Tales and Art in a Small Scale with a Big Heart

OOAK Dolls; My Collection

Jason & Kahula


Somewhere on a Hawaiian beach a black horse walks calmly in the sand...


Jason Keawe

Its rider stops to scan a road further away...

Rider: "Oh, look Kahula! A car! And it's coming this way. (peers into the jungle) I see people coming out of it... Two chicks... Look at those hot babes! And they've got surfboards with them! Do you think I should go and say hello?"

Kahula: "Hrrnno!"

Rider: "Damn! There's two dudes as well! You're right, I'd probably better feed you and stay outta sight... for now anyway." (gives his horse an apple)

Kahula: “Hrryeah!”


Nahele Keawe's older brother and Aren Keawe's cousin Jason Keawe loves to ride his horse Kahula on the beaches of Hawaii. He was somewhat... okay, quite a lot, inspired by Jason Momoa. By his looks, I mean - he obviously has his own personality. Kahula is my customized Asmus horse that used to look like the brown one. Kahula (pronunciation: kah-HOO-lah) means "dancing" in Hawaiian. 

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