Tales and Art in a Small Scale with a Big Heart

Dioramas; Rooms

A Very Victorian Halloween


Welcome to Victoria's halloween party! This is how her kitchen looked like for halloween in 2020.


The lemon punch is made by Dawn Anderson of OneSixthSense, and it's one of my favorite miniature items. I have several other miniature food and drink pieces by her.  Check out her Etsy shop! I decorated the drink with spider toys that I spread everywhere in this diorama. 

I made all the food on Victoria's Victorian table from Fimo clay. A scratched blood macaron, anyone? No? Well, how about a mummy dog? No? Some delicious pumpkin chocolate chip cookies then! Everyone loves cookies, don't they?


The poor mummy dogs were really quite frightened to be there! Perhaps they weren't baked well enough if they had the opportunity to be that...


This picture is from a story I've only posted in Finnish in my friend Ninni's blog called Silky Street. I have plans to make an English version of some parts of that story to post on my website, but until that here's a sneak peek of Simon giving Shania a moth orchid (Phalaenopsis) that I made. It turned out suprisingly real looking for something made with really cheap materials. I also made the tiny nose studs in a golden box that Simon also gifted Shania. But the reason I wanted to show this picture was the chocolate cherry cake and the pumpkin cheese cake with pecan nuts that I made from Fimo. I actually made another one of those cheese cakes too, so I could have slices for other scenes that will be seen in the story when I post it. I haven't taken any close-up photos of my cakes yet, but I will, someday. 


Here's a closer look at the orchid that Simon named as Camille. I made it completely from scratch, including the see-through pot that has real pine bark and sphagnum in it, as they're used for real orchids too. The pine bark has been heated in the oven to get rid of any bugs. I plan to make more of these, so perhaps I will do a tutorial next time. 

These suspicious pills then again... They won't be getting a tutorial. I made them from epoxy putty.

Victoria, dressed up as Jack Sparrow, was eagerly waiting for the rest of her guests to arrive with some already present.

Here's one more diorama detail, and that's it! I don't want to spoil too much of the upcoming story. 

You may share my work in social media with proper linking back to this site. Also, check out my other posts and leave comments wherever you wish. I welcome all constructive criticism with open arms.

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